What better time for seniors to review their nutritional habits than today, as we celebrate National Nutrition Month ? Enjoying a delicious meal is one of the great joys in life! Everybody can remember their favorite dinner that Mom or Dad lovingly cooked, or that special dessert you whipped up for your loved ones to celebrate birthdays and anniversaries.
While some of our recipes may be tried and true, trying anew spin on an old recipe is an easy way we can incorporate different ingredients into classic favorites and have nutritious fun with it too! That cheesy corn casserole you make? Try adding rolled oats to it to give you sustained energy throughout the day. Walnuts, kale, beets, avocados—these are all energy-packed foods seniors can add to their repertoire that have a variety of health benefits, from protein-rich to antioxidant-plentiful.
Looking for more of a diet that can ease elderly symptoms of arthritis and other chronic conditions? Fruits and vegetables, wholegrains, fatty fish (think sardines, salmon, tuna), beans, olive oil and nuts are the mainstays of an anti-inflammatory diet . With Saint Patrick’s Day around the bend, don’t be shy with the cabbage! Not only is it loaded with Vitamin C and anti-inflammatory properties—it’s also heart-healthy and good for your digestive system, with fiber, potassium, and magnesium.
Herbs can be a fun, easy way to help boost your body and make the most of your retirement years too. Ginger, for example, may aid digestion, ease cold/flu, and contribute to cardiovascular health , while the closely-related turmeric is antioxidant-packed and anti-inflammatory as well.(If you’re not sure how to start, try mixing turmeric into a spoon of peanut butter, or sipping on a spot of ginger tea to see how you like it first).Having trouble sleeping or feeling anxious? Mix a few drops of liquid lavenderinto your lemonade and inhale the scent before you indulge! It’ll help you relax and add a swanky touch to your next senior community cocktail hour.
We hope you’ll join us at Heathwood Assisted Living and Memory Care for some culinary fun a tour Penfield Spring Tea Party on March 19th, or our Amherst Fun with Food March 12th and Pizza Toss March 22nd. Check the Williamsville and Penfield Activities calendars for details! We can’t wait to hear what new things you tried with food between now and then!